~Kekuatan tidak datang dari kemampuan fizikal,tetapi ianya datang dari semangat yang tidak pernah mengalah.~
finally i found the end of d day for today..'tired' dat was d best word can describe do i look now..huhu.start with aerobik ->explorace kat pantan Batu Buruk (just behind my hostel..so g dgn kaki je r..)->cross word->puzzle=Finish!!!..yeah!..hbs gak orentasi sem baru ni..rase mcm seronok tp bile fikir balik kawasan ni..yg mmg panas bile ddk tepi pantai..so leh maen 10 orng budak hitam..huhu..ddk berjemur di pantai mybbkan aku selsema!!!..mmg tak suke..huhu..
nice to say here dat my group wont have a junior OK!!..no junior for dis year..so we r going to be junior for 1 year..DAMM!!!..ini semua akn mengundang disaster bile clinical area nnt..we must hv DOUBLE work..bcz no junior then no one replace our work last sem..it make me fell like to SHOUT..''i want a junior for dis Year!!' hope BPL can hear it..hahahaha..
tmrw is my 1st clas for dis sem..start from tmrw no more pitless..but green pit..Yeah!!..i got d green ..Happy but still not..huhu..erm..ok cntinue esok ea..as usual time 4 sleep..:)..
lastword:no word to say bcz evrthng is ok..but u still in my mind..take care ok..:)

finally i found the end of d day for today..'tired' dat was d best word can describe do i look now..huhu.start with aerobik ->explorace kat pantan Batu Buruk (just behind my hostel..so g dgn kaki je r..)->cross word->puzzle=Finish!!!..yeah!..hbs gak orentasi sem baru ni..rase mcm seronok tp bile fikir balik kawasan ni..yg mmg panas bile ddk tepi pantai..so leh maen 10 orng budak hitam..huhu..ddk berjemur di pantai mybbkan aku selsema!!!..mmg tak suke..huhu..
nice to say here dat my group wont have a junior OK!!..no junior for dis year..so we r going to be junior for 1 year..DAMM!!!..ini semua akn mengundang disaster bile clinical area nnt..we must hv DOUBLE work..bcz no junior then no one replace our work last sem..it make me fell like to SHOUT..''i want a junior for dis Year!!' hope BPL can hear it..hahahaha..
tmrw is my 1st clas for dis sem..start from tmrw no more pitless..but green pit..Yeah!!..i got d green ..Happy but still not..huhu..erm..ok cntinue esok ea..as usual time 4 sleep..:)..
lastword:no word to say bcz evrthng is ok..but u still in my mind..take care ok..:)